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How you can accompany your preschooler kid in his stages of development?

From 3 to 5 years old, the child has special psychological needs. He develops among others his confidence and his autonomy. See how you can accompany your preschooler kid in these stages of his development.

  • Age of discoveries
  • Develop self-confidence and autonomy
  • The importance of boundaries

Age of discoveries

Your child enjoys having many opportunities to play, whether alone, with siblings, with other children or with you. When your child plays, he exercises his skills in all aspects of his development. The game allows him to think, to solve problems, to discover his fields of interest, to be proud of him, to speak, to move, to cooperate and to exercise his moral judgment. He helps her to prepare to face life.
Resist the urge to lead your child's games. This would undermine the child's confidence in him and give him the impression that his efforts do not deserve your recognition.
Encourage your child to develop his creativity. When he has new ideas, encourage him to talk about it by asking him questions. This will help him to develop his creativity....
When your child tries new things and faces unpleasant situations, congratulate him for his efforts. If he does not succeed, explain to him that you have also experienced disappointments and failures, and tell how you felt then. Your child will see a pattern for you. Avoid ridiculing or punishing him. In fact, a child will have difficulty developing self-esteem if his parents act in this way or expect perfection at all times. So do not expect your child to do more than he is capable at this age and at this stage of his development. He is at the beginning of his apprenticeship and he will do it all his life.
Do not push him to go beyond his limits. Listen to your child, especially when he is scared. An activity may seem very ordinary and easy to accomplish, but may not be appropriate for your child. So you do not have to force him to do something because you want to do it or because you see other children doing it. Remember that every child is unique and will go at their own pace based on their temperament and experiences. By respecting their limits, you avoid raising their fears and you reduce their level of anxiety.

Develop self-confidence and autonomy

To build your child's esteem, it's especially important to make sure he feels loved. Thus, he will be able to see himself as a good and worthy person. Each time he acquires a new skill, he must be commended for his achievements from the beginning.
Your child needs to make certain choices to build self-confidence and independence. He still needs you most. As a parent, let him sometimes take over if the situation allows it. Give him the choice between several possibilities and express your point of view, in turn, to decide on the activity to be done together. Even if his choice is not yours, show yourself just as enthusiastic as him at the idea of doing this activity. Allow him to spend time with you and other children for short periods. Praise him every time he plays without claiming you. In this way, you help him develop his emotional autonomy.

The importance of boundaries.

Clear and well-explained expectations and limits to the child can help prevent problems. These limits must be imposed consistently and with respect for the child. There is no point in shouting or punishing him. Instead, choose a small number of rules and make sure your child understands them.
Use his new ability to put himself in others' shoes. For example, ask your child how he would feel if someone interrupted him when he spoke. Then agree on a signal so that he can tell you he wants to speak without interrupting you, for example by touching your arm.


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