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5 tips to help your child overcome his shyness and build his confidence

Baby, Girl, Shy, Emotions, Hid
Is your child very shy? does He refuse the invitations to go play at the neighbors? In short, his shyness is detrimental to his development. If your child is in a similar situation, it is time to take action to help him overcome his blockages.

1- Lots of love and patience

The love you bring to your child is unconditional: show him. Be patient and encourage him to open up to others. Thanks to your support and your love, you will succeed, little by little, to bring it out of its shell. But remember: it is essential to keep up with your pace since putting pressure on it would be counterproductive.

2- A self-confidence to build

The shy child is usually afraid of being judged and rejected by others. Help him to speak gradually. For example, he could start, at supper, by telling his day. Parents and siblings are not too intimidating. Then he could order his meal alone or answer the doctor's questions. He will surprise you the day he accepts the invitation of the little neighbor. From success to success, he will gain confidence and his anguish will eventually dissipate.

3- Stimulating activities

Music, theater, combat sports, painting and sculpture: these are all activities that allow the shy child to externalize. Help him find the one he feels comfortable with.

4- Some breathing and relaxation techniques

Deep breathing, relaxation and yoga can help your child cope with anxiety. Several books on the subject are available on the market, including Yoganimo: children's yoga. The latter offers 40 different postures each representing an animal or element of nature. Your child will enjoy reproducing the position of the frog, cheetah, koala, camel, sun or mountain. He will be able to integrate yoga into his daily routine: at sunrise, by car, at the park, in the living room, in his room before going to bed ...

5- Error to avoid: remind him of his shyness

There is nothing worse for a diabetic than to be reminded that he can not eat the decadent dessert of his favorite restaurant. It's the same for your child: he knows he's shy. Instead of pushing the nail, congratulate him on his progress, even those that seem innocuous: "In the park, you dared to ask the girl what her name was. Bravo! "
Despite all your efforts, nothing helps? Do not hesitate to consult a professional. It will help your child find the source of his blockages and defeat them. The situation should not escalate to the point of handicapping, in the long term, his social, romantic and professional life.

See Also: Traveling with baby: a few tips to make your trip enjoyable



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