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Baby's First Winter, things to do before going out

Baby's First Winter baby's first winter First baby, first winter? Some worried parents prefer not to run the risk that their little angel could catch a cold, therefore, they remain inside. But a walk outdoor can be a good thing to do! Of course, the winters have something to discourage many. However, when you are well dressed, it is useless to deprive yourself of the pleasure of going out, and it is the same thing with a baby, as small as it is. In fact, taking fresh air is not only good for the parents, it can also calm some baby crises. It is important to know that baby will not really enjoy this first winter playing, for example, in the snow. Some baby even hates the cold! Sledding and snowmen will have to wait until the next year, at least.

It's very cold outside for the baby's first winter

baby's first winter We don’t stop going out, but we must also be aware that the baby does not keep its temperature like us since it does not move. It is wise to always put one layer more than you, especially if you plan to walk in the stroller or sled. Indeed, the air between the clothes acts as an insulator. For the first winter hike, choose a day when the temperature is not too down. The walk should be short: we are talking about 15 minutes for a first outing. As we go out and depending on the conditions, we gradually increase the time of our health walks. Of course, take care to check if the baby is still comfortable. If he starts getting cold, he could choke or cry. Touch his ears, fingers, neck and make sure he's still warm.

Make sure to well dress the baby

baby's first winter, Baby, Cap, Care, Caucasian, Child To face the cold of the winters, make sure to dress the baby warmly. As we mentioned above, babies are not able to regulate the temperature of their bodies. They are much more sensitive than us to temperature fluctuations. After having dressed for the day, we slip baby in his winter suit. We choose it hot, with a cozy interior. Of course, we always make sure that the ends, head, hands and feet, are all protected from the cold with mittens, slippers or boots and a hat. We choose this one so that it covers well the ears of the baby.

Stroller, sled, or baby carrier

baby's first winter Whether you choose the stroller, sled or baby carrier, the important thing is for the baby to be comfortable, warm and safe. If he/she is placed in his/her shell, we have to make sure, just as when in a car, to well adjust the straps. In the sled, make sure he/she won’t fall. It is in the baby carrier that your little love will be the warmest. We also love the coat extension, which allows putting the baby under the coat - perfect for the smallest babies. If you walk a lot, a carry bag could also be a wise purchase. The cover is extremely versatile since it is universal and can also be used with stroller and car seat.
To remember
Before going out, make sure to feed the baby and that his diaper is dry. We avoid going out if the baby is sick. If the baby is cold, avoid rubbing his little hands in yours, a movement that could hurt him, and prefer skin to skin. Toques and hats attached under the chin will tend to move less. Remember: the baby should always have a layer of clothing more than you unless you wear it. Do not forget to protect the baby's sensitive skin! Before going out, so we put the moisturizer on his face. And if we plan to stay outside for a long time, we do not forget that the sun's rays are as damaging in winter. Water and soap, as well as cold and wind, also dry the baby's skin. So, we try to limit the baths during the cold season. Baby teething and drooling a lot? Remember to wipe it and keep it dry. source:


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